Zombie attack
So this morning I start up my internet explorer and patiently wait as my home page loads. What I didn't realize was that this morning America's worst nightmares had finally come true. Hollywood has exploded all over the country and infected all of our lives. The lead article on the BBC Americas website read: "FBI tries to fight zombie hordes." Zombie hordes?!?! Oh...wait...no, this isn't a 'Night of the Living Dead' come to life (hahaha). Nevermind!
The gist of the story is that zombies are what hijacked home computers are called and the FBI is trying to crack down on the problems because it's beginning to threaten national security. These 'zombies' are also called 'bots' - so they're calling the operation 'Operation Bot Roast.'
Now the question remains, how much faith do we put in these FBI people who come up with 'cute' little names like Operation Bot Roast? And taking that into consideration, can you really blame the British reporter for making the FBI sound a little foolish with that headline?
I love this country...but sometimes people make me wonder...
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