Senior-itis...yet again
People always say that senior year, whether it be of high school or college, is the best year. Now that I've lived through two of these, here's my opinion - senior year sucks. Junior year is by far the best year in high school or college. You're no longer a green underclassman and you get to feel far superior without having the responsibility that inevitably gets thrown on those in their final year. Senior year is stressful enough knowing that you are about to be thrown into a completely new life...but then add on that stress of - WHERE is that new life going to be? If you make the wrong decision, what then? What have you actually done with your life in the past 4 years? Why didn't you take those five other classes everyone is now telling you you should've known to take? Have you actually made a difference? Why didn't you join in those 3 other clubs you always thought would be fun? What happens to the friendships you've made since freshman year? (Come on, we all say we're going to keep in touch...but life always ends up saying 'HA' to our best intentions.) While you're so excited to be done and to get out of that school, the uncertainty that lies in your future can make you want to reach for the Pepto.
I'm getting ready to graduate in *gulp* less than 4 weeks from college and then I'm heading off to graduate school. I won't even get started on how unorganized that process is...but suffice it to say - getting into undergrad programs is a walk in the park compared to the stressful weeks of hurry up and wait involved in this. After pounding out 4 complex applications in December/January, it looks like I'm going to be headed to the place I didn't even apply to til March. The grad program at Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville was one I hadn't considered back when this process all began because a couple of graduates from my program last year were already at UAH. A number of people said - 'Don't even bother applying. They won't want a bunch of people from the same school.' Evidently I should never listen to anyone...because I was later told that this was absolute rubbish and that they'd love to have more of our students. Lo and behold, such was the case! Now I'm most likely going to be working on a hurricane landfall project next year. Forget chasing torns on the high plains, I'm gonna be chasing those bad boys along the Gulf Coast (I see a new feature film coming on...move over Helen Hunt). And you all thought I was crazy before :) Only potential downside - I may end up with a slight southern accent. Hmm...Helen Hunt meets Scarlet O'Hara...innnnteresting.
While all this is scary and exciting, I still have to make it through the next couple of weeks and actually get some work done. This translates to - a new blog, an avid organization of my new Goodreads bookshelves, that baby blanket I'm crocheting actually getting done for my new neice or nephew (due in June!), flying through a bunch of old episodes of Smallville to catch up to the current season, and a verrry clean room. Hopefully that case study paper for my Capstone gets done somewhere in there...but I've got plenty of time for that, right?